Tuesday 14 July 2015

Cosmic Spirals Energy Mats

For travellers of Cosmic Spiral Energy Streams

You can purchase them direct from the printer, the link on this page will take you straight to the website.

These Mats are an extension of the Cosmic Spirals Energy Deck. They work in much the same way as the cards. The only real differences are the Mats are obviously bigger and the 35 different Spirals are printed on both sides of 18 Mats (to save space and keep production costs down). You do not need to have purchased the Cosmic Spirals Energy Deck to be able to work with these Mats and vice versa.

There are no rules regarding how to use these Mats. This is intentional... the cards are a deck of Intuition and so are the Mats.

You could choose a Mat to aid in a meditation, place a crystal skull, crystal(s), elementals (like woods, metals etc) onto a Mat, use it like a mandala, in gridwork, or focus on the predominant colours in a specific spiral. The Mats can be rotated whichever way round you prefer, used singly or in groups.

Delve deeper and explore the relationship between your Energy Stream and the Cosmic Spirals, as together you reconnect and reboot the old Energy Streams, re-energise existing ones, as
well as establishing new ones.

PLEASE NOTE THESE MATS ARE NOT A DIVINATION/TAROT/ORACLE DECK... they contain no answers or guidance... THEY ARE FOR PERSONAL JOURNEYING/'SHAMANIC' ENERGY WORK.  The photos show some ideas on how you can use these Mats, the crystals & skulls shown do NOT come with the Mats. You are purchasing the Mats ONLY.

Can only be purchased direct from my 'shop' on the printers' website here: https://www.thegamecrafter.com/games/cosmic-spirals-energy-deck?dept_uri=&dept_name=

Blessings, Sharon

P.S. Legislation in the UK means I have to place a Disclaimer on this page to advise you that this Service is provided for entertainment purposes only!!!!!!